Tuesday, January 29, 2008


       Now usually I try to avoid anything that starts with the initials DM. This holds particularly true for the Dave Mathews Band and the Department of Motor Vehicles; however, for some reason I felt strangely compelled to try out the demo for Devil May Cry 4. I don't know what it was, perhaps boredom.
       Amazingly enough though, the game seems solid for a fourth tier hack'n'slash. The combat was fun and intuitive, and made you feel like the ultimate bad ass, which is quite a feat considering how limited in scope your abilities are in the 10 minutes of game play you are allowed. The guns are pretty lame though, they hardly do any damage and you some how float in the air if you fire them. But what struck me as being the most spectacular aspect of the game was the architecture. It's just beautifully stunning the environments you're occupying. 
       The level design is really the only thing that stuck out to me though. Maybe it's because I haven't played but 10 minutes of the other games too, but it seemed like everything had been done before except now Dante has gone missing and you're some guy named Nero who looks exactly like Dante minus the red coat. Pretty lame.
       Still, it seems like something I'll have to rent upon its release just so I can admire how beautifully rendered the environments are. 

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