Sunday, January 13, 2008

enter the dragon

      Playing videogames has been something that I feel I've been doing all of my life. My mom was really into them, and I grew up playing Stampeed to death on her Atari 2600. This probably had a profound effect on me, as I eventually decided at the young ages of 5 that I wanted to be a cattle roper.
      What happened to that kid?
      Seriously though, the 'profound effect' that I was talking about probably came from the game Manhole that we had for our second computer. The game was essentially a point and click adventure game where you just ran around trying to not get burned by a dragon or drinken by a giant rabbit.
      So it was that moment, when I first hopped in that miniature boat and road down into a coffee cup and heard the hare cry out "Oh my, there's a tiny boat in my tea cup" that I knew I'd be with them to the end.
       And I pretty much have been. I was an avid Master System player in my elementary school days, and then evolved to a N64 for middle. PS2 for highschool, and in college I've switched to XBox. I've been with all the companies and I've experienced the greats that all have to offer; but the experiences that will stay with me the most were my first ones with Lucas Arts.
      After playing The Secret of Monkey Island I was sucked into the world of adventure games, and I've been there ever since. Some of the greatest games ever made came out in that golden era. Loom, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max; no videogame developer has ever come close to the story writing capabilities of that team.
      And through the years on every system I tend to be drawn to these adventure games. I remember getting sucked into Ico when I first got my PS2. I remember an unhealthy addiction to trying to beat Cosmic Space Head on the Master System. There were the countless times I played through Ocarina of Time on the N64.

      And I've completly run out of steam, this is probably the worst blog entry ever.

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